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About HCBA > Constitution and Bylaws

HCBA Constitution and Bylaws

Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Howard County Beekeepers Association, Incorporated or HCBA for short.


Article II: Purpose
The HCBA is organized (1) to promote beekeeping through education of our membership and the general public and (2) for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Article III: Membership
Any person or family owning one or more colonies of bees may become a member of HCBA by payment of annual dues.

Any person or family not owning bees, but interested in apiculture, may become a member of HCBA by payment of annual dues.


Any person under 18 may become a non-voting member without payment of annual dues.


Each active membership is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote. Each membership shall receive the HCBA newsletter and/or have access to the HCBA “member’s section” of the web site.


The HCBA’s fiscal year is the calendar year. Dues are payable by January 31 of each year to maintain active membership status.


Article IV: Governance

Section A: Officers

The elected officers of the club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Two Directors and Communications Editor. The terms of office shall be for one year and will follow the calendar year. In case of a delayed election, officers remain in place until successors are elected.


Section B: Members of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of the current Officers, the immediate Past President of HCBA, chairpersons of active committees, and any other person as appointed by the President.


Section C: Duties of the Officers of the Board of Directors


President: The President presides over the meetings of HCBA and meetings of the Board. The President upholds the Constitution and By-Laws of HCBA. The President shall appoint ad hoc committees and shall oversee these committees. The President shall represent HCBA at all state, regional, or national meetings when possible, or designate another elected officer to act on his/her behalf. Only an elected officer can act on the club’s behalf. The President may also call special meetings as needed.


Vice President: The Vice President attends to needs of the club under the direction of the President. In case the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President assumes the duties of President for the remainder of the term. The Vice President arranges for refreshments for club meetings and assists in scheduling programs for meetings, by contacting and confirming speakers.


Secretary: The Secretary shall conduct all correspondence for HCBA and report about meetings to the membership. The Secretary shall maintain a current mailing list of active members of HCBA.


Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for all financial matters of the HCBA including the filing of required forms as required to maintain the club’s non-profit status with the State of Maryland and the Internal Revenue Service. The Treasurer receives and records dues and other income to the club each month. The Treasurer is responsible for the timely payment and monthly recording of expenses of the club. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping accurate, detailed financial records for the club, make financial information available on-demand, and shall present a Treasurer’s report once per year.

Section A: Officers, continued


Communications Editor: The Communications Editor shall compile beekeeping related articles, recipes, advertisements, etc. into a newsletter which is distributed to members and/or posted on the HCBA website.


Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is responsible for conducting the affairs of HCBA.
The Board will advise and make recommendations to the club with respect to the activities and purpose of the club. The Board can act upon matters of immediate concern and is obligated to present its actions at the next general membership meeting.


Section D: Board of Directors Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet as specified by the President or by demand of a majority of the members of the Board. The Board of Directors may conduct business and vote by any means of communication it deems necessary, including face-to-face, email, or conference call or US mail. Notice of meetings of the Board of Directors shall be sent to each member of the Board at least twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting.


A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board.


Article V: General Membership Meetings

General membership meetings are open to the public, although business conducted at monthly meetings is subject to vote by active members only.


Twelve members of HCBA shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at general meetings.

Special meetings may be called by providing 10 days’ notice to the general membership.


Election of officers for the New Year will be held at a general meeting, usually the last general meeting in the year.


Article VI: Amendments

This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at a meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment is either mailed or e-mailed to each member at least two weeks prior to the meeting.


Article VII: Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of HCBA, the net assets after payment of debts will be donated to the Maryland State Beekeepers Association or a 501 (c) (3) organization as determined by a majority vote of the membership present when voting on this issue.


Article VIII: Removal of Member
Any member, whose conduct is determined to be unacceptable, can have his/her membership revoked by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.


The aforementioned by-laws were adopted by a majority of the members of the HCBA on this 11th day of May 2010.



Janice Asato, President

Copyright 2019 -  2025 Howard County Beekeepers Association, Inc. No original content or images may be used without permission.

Howard County Beekeepers Association, Inc is an all-voluntee,  not-for-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

To contact us, use this website, send us an email at or mail us at: P.O. Box 1416 Ellicott City Maryland 21041

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