Other> General Meeting Information
HCBA General Meeting Information:
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
We hope to see you at our upcoming general meeting at Howard County Fairgrounds Dining Hall on the second Tuesday of each month. Our meeting will start at 7:00 PM.
We'll have our regular HCBA business update, and don't forget to come to our pre-meeting open discussion and Q&A that starts at 6:30 PM.​​
We are looking forward to seeing you!
The March 11, 2025 meeting will start at 7:00 PM.
Our March guest speaker will be VIrigina Webb
who will present to demystify the use of wax and share her tips and tricks to help you to create award winning product of the hive. If time permits, we may hear about her latest honor of being asked to participate in the “Telling of the Bees” at President Jimmy Carter’s farm in January.
About the presenter:
Virginia Webb is
a full-time, third
beekeeper and
queen producer.

She began beekeeping in 1964 when her father, Joe Stephens, gave her a beehive as a birthday gift. Keeping bees in North Carolina and Tennessee, Virginia and her father shared a hobbyist beekeeping business for many years. Virginia was the first state winner in Tennessee 4-H for Beekeeping and was a Tennessee State Honey Queen.
After moving to Atlanta, GA and pursing a career in banking, Virginia began keeping bees on her farm in north Georgia and became active in beekeeping clubs. She is the past President of the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association and the Georgia Beekeepers Association. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors for the American Beekeepers Federation (ABF) and is a board member of the ABF Research and Technical committee. Virginia is also the first and only female member of the Farm Bureau Honeybee Advisory Committee. In 1993, Virginia was named Beekeeper of the Year for Georgia.
For more than forty years, Virginia has championed the role of the honeybee in helping to sustain global agriculture and have helped to promote its diversified productivity, from nutritional products to health and beauty aids. She has also been awarded four gold medals at the World Honey Show for Best Honey in the World: Dublin, Ireland (2005), Montpellier, France (2009), Kiev, Ukraine (2013) and Deajeon, South Korea (2015).
Virginia is a sought after speaker, for her breadth and depth of knowledge related to products of the hive. Her YouTube videos have been viewed over a million times around the world.